bulgur pilaf ne demek?
- Bulgur pilavi
- Kaynatılıp kurutulduktan ve kabuğu çıkarıldıktan sonra kırılan buğday.
- Sert ve ufak taneler durumunda yağan kar, ebebulguru.
Is wheat kennels that have been steamed, dried and crushed.
Cracked wheat is a cooked wheat which is dried and ground into four sizes Usually available in Middle Eastern or Armenian specialty food stores and used like rice in pilaf dishes [see lentil bulgur pilaf].
Middle Eastern wheat which has been steamed and dried, then ground.
Boiled and pounded wheat.
Parched crushed wheat.
Is familiar to many of us through the Middle Eastern dishes tabbouleh and kibbeh Bulgur is wheat that has been steamed whole, dried, then cracked So bulgur is essentially precooked and quick to prepare It comes in three grinds -- fine , medium , and coarse Fine and medium bulgurs are used for tabbouleh, and the coarse is good in pilafs Bulgur, especially fine bulgur, needs only to be soaked to become tender, but it can also be cooked pilaf-style You can find bulgur in Middle Eastern markets as well as natural foods stores.
- Bulgur, kurutularak öğütülmüş buğday
bulgur pilavı
- Bulgurla pişirilen pilav
Bulgur pilaf.
bulgur pilavi
Bulgur pilaf
- Pilav.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
bulgur pilavıbulgur pilavibulgur bulgurbulgur çorbasıbulgur lapasıbulgurbulgurcubulgurcukbulgurculukbulgurlamabulgubulgu belgelerini bölümlemebulgu belgelerini uluslararası bölümlemebulgu belgelerinin alım satımıbulgu belgelerinin bağımsızlığıpilafpilaf covered by crispy pastrypilaf with almondspilaf with anchoviespilaf with burghulpilaf with meatpilaf with pistachiopilaf with ricepilaffpila kaudalispila kraniyalispila kranyalispilpil adıpil akici akimipil bataryasıpil bitti