bronchial basket ne demek?
- Branşiyal sepet
- Solungaca ait.
- Balıklarda solungaçla ilgili, solungaca benzeyen veya ondan köken alan, brankiojenik, brankiojenöz.
- Balık haricinde diğer omurgalı hayvanların embriyolarında solungaca eşdeğer organla ilgili, ona ait veya ondan köken alan, brankiojenik, brankiojenöz.
- Solungaca ait.
bronchial bar
- Branşiyal çubuk
bronchial breathing
- Bronşiyal solunum
- Basketbolda kazanılan sayı.
- Basketbol.
Vessel made of osiers or other twigs, cane, rushes, splints, or other flexible material, interwoven.
The contents of a basket; as much as a basket contains; as, a basket of peaches.
The bell or vase of the Corinthian capital.
The two back seats facing one another on the outside of a stagecoach.
Basket applies to derivative instruments in the marketplace A basket is a group of stocks that is formed with the intention of either being bought or sold all at once.
Applies to derivative products Group of stocks that is formed with the intention of either being bought or sold all at once, usually to perform index arbitrage or a hedging program.
The standard unit of measure for rice One basket is 16 pyi The standard weight for a basket of rice is 46 pounds.
Plastic RfootS on the end of a pole shaft that provides a pushing platform for the poling motion Smaller and lighter on performance equipment.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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