blocks envelope ne demek?

  1. Bloklar zarfı


  1. (en)Blocks


  1. Bloklar

blocks calendar

  1. Bloklar takvimi


  1. Zar örtü
  2. Zarf, mektup zarfı
  3. Kılıf, örtü
  4. Dış kabuk

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

blocksblocks calendarblocks catalogblocks invoiceblocks mastheadblocks quoteblocks refundblocks setblocks sidebarblocks web siteblockblock abortedblock acquisition sequenceblock and pulleyblock and tackleenvelopeenvelope addressenvelope address fontenvelope creationenvelope curveenvelope delayenvelope detectionenvelope detectorenvelope distortionenvelope dlenvelopenvelop toenvek
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