blocked cheque ne demek?
- Bloke çek
- Kullanılması önlenmiş, el konulmuş.
- Man who is old and/or eccentric.
- Blocked.
- Stopped.
- Herif, adam.
- Herif, herifçioğlu (Argo)
blocked credit
- Bloke edilmiş kredi
blocked currency
- Bloke para
- Çek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
blocked creditblocked currencyblocked accountblocked exchangeblocked resvsblockedblocked sendersblockblock abortedblock acquisition sequenceblock and pulleyblock and tackleblocblochs reactionbloatbloat linebloat outbloat upbloatedchequecheque accountcheque book charging systemcheque by intermediarycheque cardcheque without covercheque without provisionchequebookchequerchequerboardChEcheadle hastalığıcheakcheapcheap and nasty