bize de mi lolo ne demek?
- Başkalarını kandırabilirsin ama ben yemem.
- Ne o, bizi de mi aldatmaya çalışıyorsun?
- Biz zamirinin yönelme durumu eki almış biçimi.
To us.
Dry cold north wind in southeastern France.
bize başvurun
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- Türk alfabesinin beşinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
- Da / de.
As well.
Death PC Paid in full through consolidation loan.
Flection - The amount of deformation or bending in a pallet or pallet component under load.
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for GERMANY.
Of; from - used in names MM - expresses assent UN - one.
- Mı / mi.
- Gam dizisinde re ile fa arasındaki ses ve bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
In solmization, the third degree of the major scale.
Myocardial infarction.
The blade of a knife or sword.
Common type is PMI , the insurance paid for by the borrower to insure the mortgage company's investment.
Michel Postage Stamp Catalog [abbr.
Mills College, Oakland.
Mentally Impaired Children who are delayed in their mental development.
Marching Illini.
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