bilge ne demek?
- Bilgili, iyi ahlaklı, olgun ve örnek (kimse), hakim.
Goethe, insanlarla ilgili her şeyi söyleyip tüketmiş bir bilgedir.
H. TanerSokrates yalnız öğrettikleriyle değil öğretme yoluyla da örnek bir bilgedir.
Nermi UygurBilge görünen yarışmacının ilk soruda elenmesi, sürpriz oldu.
- - Bilgisini herkes için ve kendisi için en yararlı şekilde kullanan kimse.
- Bilgili, iyi ahlaklı, olgun ve örnek kimse.
- Bilgili, alim, geniş ve derin bilgisi olan.
- Geniş, derin, bilgi sahibi kimse.
- Bilgisini en iyi kullanan kimse.
The lower part of a ship's hull, extending outward from the keel to port and starboard to where the sides rise vertically Any water in a vessel will collect there, thus ships always 'pump their bilges'.
The lowest part of the hull's interior on either side of the keel The turn of the bilge is the transition of the hull shape from essentially horizontal to vertical in section, described as hard if the transition is relatively abrupt, or slack if the transition is gradual.
The area in the lower part of the hull where water collects, also the part of the hull where the bottom turns into the side, the 'turn of the bilge'.
That part of a ship's hull or bottom which is broadest and most nearly flat, and on which she would rest if aground.
Portion of the bottom of a vessel where the sides meet the floor; area above the planking but beneath the ceiling.
The lowest internal part of the hull ballast is kept and bilge water collects.
To suffer a fracture in the bilge; to spring a leak by a fracture in the bilge.
The lowest part of a vessel's hull where any water in the hull collects.
The lowest part or the interior of a vessel Space under the floor.
The protuberant part of a cask, which is usually in the middle.
Lowest section inside a boat's hull where water collects.
Spaces at the very bottom of the ship's infrastructure.
To fracture the bilge of, or stave in the bottom of.
The interior of the hull below the floorboards.
The lower internal part of a boat's hull.
The lowest part of a boat's hull.
Lowest part of the ship's hull.
Bilge water.
To bulge.
Wise person.
Wise man.
To cause to bulge.
The lowest interior part of the hull, where water collects, and from where bailing is normally done There is usually some water in the bilge's since no vessel is completely tight, but excessive bilge water can dangerously affect the vessel's stability When the bilge's overflow, damage to cargo may occur The bilge may be open or covered by an Orlop Deck.
Where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom water accumulated in the bilge of a ship take in water at the bilge; 'the tanker bilged' cause to leak; 'the collision bilged the vessel'.
Lowest part of the boat Due to the force of gravity Everything ends up in the bilges Water, either from rain or from leaks, should be pumped out from the bilge.
Intersection of bottom and sides The chine for boats with chines and the point of contact of a 45o tangent for boats with round bilges.
The lowest part of the ship inside the hull The bilge water, either from rain or from seas breaking abroad would collect in this area.
Curved portion between the bottom and the side shell plating, drainage space within the ship.
The lowest interior position of a ship; the water that accumulates in the bilge is called bilge water.
Where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom.
The lowest interior portion of the boat's hull.
Cause to leak; 'the collision bilged the vessel'.
Take in water at the bilge; 'the tanker bilged'.
Water accumulated in the bilge of a ship.
The lowest point of a ship's inner hull.
- Sintine, sintine suyu; saçmalık, zırva
- Sintine, sintine suyu, karina
- (argo) saçmalık, zırvalık, herze
- , delinmek, delmek (sintine)
- Fıçı karnı
- Şişmek
- Bel vermek
bilge hatun
- kutluk han'ın annesi. türk hükümdarı (vııı.yy-)
- Bilgili, akıllı kadın.
- (tür.) ka. - kutluk han'ın annesi. türk hükümdarı (vııı.yy-).
bilge keel
- Yalpa omurgası