big brother ne demek?

  1. Ağabey, diktatör

big bang

  1. Başlangıç

big bang theory

  1. Big Bang (Büyük Patlama) Teorisi


  1. Erkek kardeş, birader
  2. Aynı cemiyette üye
  3. Vay be, vay canına

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

big bangbig bang theorybig bellybig bonitobig boombigbig and heavybig and strappingbig bootsbig bossbibi eyyi halbi gayri hakkın mal edinmebi hadbi haseb il verasebrotherbrother by adoptionbrother germanbrother in armsbrother in lawbrother of the halfbloodbrother sister marriagebrother studentbrotherhoodbrotherlikebrothelbrothel keeperbrothbroth culturebroteyon
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