baudot code ne demek?

  1. Baudot kodu


  1. (en)[Baudot code] Baudot, family name; Baudot code, method of representing symbols by means of combinations of bits (Computer).
  2. Baudot

baudot kodu

  1. (en)Baudot code


  1. (en)[Baudot code] Baudot, family name; Baudot code, method of representing symbols by means of combinations of bits (Computer).
  2. Baudot


  1. Numaralamak
  2. Kodlamak
  3. Kanun, kanunname
  4. Şifrelemek
  5. Kanun haline getirmek
  6. Şifre ile yazmak

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

baudot kodubaudotbaudovin reactionBaudovin tepkimesibaudbaud hizibaud ratebaudabaudelairebaubasbaublebaublingbaubocodecode areacode buildercode checkingcode colorscode conversioncode convertercode dependent systemcode directing charactercode division multiple accesscodcod chemical oxygen demandcod codcod liver oilcod oil
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