baptist mezhebi üyesi ne demek?
- Baptist.
- Protestan mezhebine bağlı kimse.
- See Anabaptist.
- Follower of Baptistic doctrines of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; 'Baptist baptismal practices'; 'a Baptist minister'.
- Follower of Baptistic doctrines.
- Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; 'Baptist baptismal practices'; 'a Baptist minister'.
- One who administers baptism; specifically applied to John, the forerunner of Christ.
- One of a denomination of Christians who deny the validity of infant baptism and of sprinkling, and maintain that baptism should be administered to believers alone, and should be by immersion.
- Vaftiz eden kimse, baptist mezhebi üyesi
- Baptist denilen Protestan mezhebi mensubu
- Vaftiz eden kimse
baptist church
- Vaftiz kilisesi, Protestan kilisesi
- Yol. Gidilen yol. Tutulan çığır.
- Herhangi bir topluluğu oluşturan bireylerden her biri, aza
- Omurgalılarda, kol ve bacaklar.
- Karar yetkisi bulunan meclis, kurul, yarkurul, yargılık gibi topluluklara katılan ve oy kullanan görevli kimselerden her biri.
- Associate.
- Insider.
- Member.
- Member aza.
- Organ.
- Affiliate.
- Enrollee.