bandwidth allocation technology ne demek?
- Bat
- Kurşun boruların ağzını açmakta kullanılan, şimşirden yapılmış, ucu sivri bir çeşit takoz.
- Kırpmak
- Bk. kurşun tokacı
- Many people in Europe use the term 'bat' to refer to kiln shelves Thus 'bat wash' is kiln wash However in North America, 'bat' most often refers to wood, plastic, or plaster disks which are used on the potters wheel A bat is held in place by pins, an interlocking arrangement, or glued on by slip Ware can then be thrown on the bat and the whole thing removed to make another piece.
- Best Available Techniques BP/RAC: Blue Plan Regional Activity Centre BUR: Bureau.
- Creature of the night, which uses sound rather than light to find their way, their basic message is when you cannot 'see', 'listen' for direction.
- Goddess with the form of a cow, from the Middle Kingdom on merged with Hathor.
- The only mammal that can fly, known for its use of echolocation to move and hunt in the dark.
- Go down.
- Large stick; a club; specifically, a piece of wood with one end thicker or broader than the other, used in playing baseball, cricket, etc.
- Radyo kuşak genişliği
bandwidth allocation protocol
- Bap
- Ödenek, tahsis, pay
- Bölüştürme, paylaştırma
- Pay ayırma, dağıtma
- Teknoloji
- Teknoloji, uygulayımbilim
- Sınai işler ilmi
- Sanat veya meslek terimleri
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
bandwidthbandwidth allocation protocolbandwidth controlbandwidth usagebandwidth usedbandwagonbandwagon effectallocationallocation of resourcesallocation of responsibilityallocation of spaceallocation unitallocation unit sizeallocationsallocatingallocatableallocatable resourceallocateallocate toallocatedallocabilityallocable