balsam ne demek?
- Bazı ağaçlardan elde edilen, parfüm ve ilaçların yapımında kullanılan reçine.
- Benzoik asit, sinnamik asit veya bunların türevlerini içeren oleo-reçineler.
- Sıklıkla odunsu bitkilerden elde edilen reçine ve bu reçinelerden yapılan ilaç.
To treat or anoint with balsam; to relieve, as with balsam; to render balsamic.
Fragrant ointment containing a balsam resin any seed plant yielding balsam any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and perfumes.
Any seed plant yielding balsam.
Any of various fragrant oleoresins used in medicines and perfumes.
Fragrant ointment containing a balsam resin.
Water insoluble, semi-solid or viscous, resinous exudate of trees and bushes similar to gum resins.
Group of fragrant substances produced by some trees.
Resin containing more or less of an essential or volatile oil.
Species of tree.
An annual garden plant with beautiful flowers; balsamine.
Anything that heals, soothes, or restores.
Natural raw material exuded from a tree or plant Balsams are resinous masses, semi-solid materials or viscous liquids and are characterized by their high contents of benzoic acid, benzoates, cinnamic acid or cinnamates.
Resinous product used as a soothing agent.
Hair conditioning agent extracted from the bark of a firtree, it forms a thin shield on the outside of the hair strand This invisible coating provides support and helps the hair maintain moisture.
Balm , balsam , cream , lotion , ointment , remedy , soothing medication.
- Balsam, yumuşatıcı krem, belesan yağı, pelesenk yağı; kınaçiçeği
- Belesan
- Pelesenkağacı, Commiphora opobalsamum
- Kınaçiçeği, Impatiens
balsam of fir
- Kanada balsami
balsam of peru
- Güney Amerika'da yetişen ağaçların köklerinden elde edilen koyu kıvamlı aromatik bir sıvı
- Peru balsamı