badly bruised ne demek?
- Mosmor
- Her yanı mor, koyu mor.
Deep purple.
Black and blue all over.
Purple all over.
Badly bruised.
badly beaten up
- Komalık
badly disciplined
- Disiplinsiz
- Bereli
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
badly beaten upbadly disciplinedbadly injuredbadly neededbadly offbadlybadly proportionedbadly shakenbadly tornbadly ventilatedbadlandsbadloadbadbad actionbad addressbad airbad axebruisedbruised and squashedbruised solebruisedlybruisebruise produced by suckingbruinbruinachtige gele kleurbrucebrucellaBrucella abortusBrucella canisbrucella dermatitis