aziz george ne demek?
aziz gibi
Saintly, saintlike.
aziz adayı aleyhinde tartışan savcı
Devil's advocate.
Male first name; family name; figure of St.
George and the dragon (esp.
The one on the insignia of the British Order of the Garter); coin with the figure of St.
George (British Slang) ; American magazine that covers politics and pop culture.
- Erkek ismi
- George
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
aziz gibiaziz adayı aleyhinde tartışan savcıaziz augustine tarikatına bağlı keşişaziz dostaziz ilan etmeazizaziz ilan etmekaziz kabul etmekaziz olmakaziz tutan kimseazibazideazidoazidothymidineazidotimidingeorgegeorge adegeorge armstrong custergeorge bancroftgeorge berkeleygeorge boolegeorge bushgeorge byrongeorge castriotageorge catlett marshallgeorg friedrich hegelgeorg wilhelm friedrich hegelgeoraphical variationgeoreceptorgeogeobiologygeobotanicsgeobotanikgeobotanist