aziz george ne demek?

  1. (en)George.

aziz gibi

  1. (en)Saintly, saintlike.

aziz adayı aleyhinde tartışan savcı

  1. (en)Devil's advocate.


  1. (en)Male first name; family name; figure of St.
  2. (en)George and the dragon (esp.
  3. (en)The one on the insignia of the British Order of the Garter); coin with the figure of St.
  4. (en)George (British Slang) ; American magazine that covers politics and pop culture.
  5. Erkek ismi
  6. George

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

aziz gibiaziz adayı aleyhinde tartışan savcıaziz augustine tarikatına bağlı keşişaziz dostaziz ilan etmeazizaziz ilan etmekaziz kabul etmekaziz olmakaziz tutan kimseazibazideazidoazidothymidineazidotimidingeorgegeorge adegeorge armstrong custergeorge bancroftgeorge berkeleygeorge boolegeorge bushgeorge byrongeorge castriotageorge catlett marshallgeorg friedrich hegelgeorg wilhelm friedrich hegelgeoraphical variationgeoreceptorgeogeobiologygeobotanicsgeobotanikgeobotanist
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