authority ne demek?
- Salahiyet, hakimiyet
- Hükümet
- İtibar, nüfuz
- Bilirkişi, ehli vukuf, erbap
- Şahadet, şahit
- Yetkili sayılan kitap veya yazar
- Otorite, yetki
authority and format ıdentifier
- Afi
authority and format identifier
- Afi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
authority and format ıdentifierauthority and format identifierauthority cardauthority entryauthority fileauthority over the familyauthority to payauthority to purchaseauthority yetkeauthoritarianauthoritarian yetkeliauthoritarianismauthoritativeauthoritativelyauthorialauthoring languageauthoring toolauthoring toolsauthorisation