association football ne demek?

  1. Futbol


  1. Topu, kafa veya ayak vuruşları ile karşı kaleye sokma kuralına dayanan ve on birer kişilik iki takım arasında oynanan top oyunu, ayak topu
  2. Bk. ayaktopu.
  3. Bk. ayaktopu
  4. (en)Soccer.
  5. (en)Football.
  6. (en)Association football.


  1. Çağrıştırma, akla getirme
  2. İştirak, dernek
  3. Birleşme, ortaklık
  4. Kurum, cemiyet
  5. Arkadaşlık, birlik
  6. İş birliği

association company

  1. Ortak şirket


  1. Futbol
  2. Yumurta şeklinde topla oynanan oyun, Amerikan futbolu.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

associationassociation companyassociation of ideasassociation of insurancesassociation of metropolitan authoritiesassociation of national advertisersassociation of shipownersassociation of teacher educatorsassociation testassociationismassociatioassociatingassociateassociate directorassociate in crimeassociate in guiltassociate integral equationfootballfootball associationfootball fieldfootball gamefootball leaguefootball playfootball playerfootball poolsfootball scorefootball seasonfootbagfootfoot acceleratorfoot and mouth diseasefoot blisterfoot brake
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