aspirinsiz ne demek?
- Non aspirin.
- Bakterilerin bozamadığı madde
- Önek gayri, siz.
aspirinsiz ürün
- Non aspirin substitute.
- Ağrı kesici ve ateş düşürücü olarak kullanılan beyaz renkli hap.
- Bk. asetilsalisilik asit
- Formülü CH3COOC6H4COOH olan, asetilsalisilik asitten ibaret bir ilaç.
- Ağrı kesici, ateş düşürücü ve yangı giderici etkiye sahip, asetik asidin salisilat türevi olan beyaz, kristalize ve ekşi tadında toz bir bileşik, asetilsalisilik asit.
- White crystalline compound of acetyl and salicylic acid used as a drug for the salicylic acid liberated from it in the intestines.
- The acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets.
- Medication that decreases platelet funtion.
- Drug used in the treatment of arthritis, commonly found in a container with a childproof cap.
- Acetylsalicylic acid ; aspirin and other products containing ASP should not be used by people with bleeding disorders since ASA slows the clotting process.
- Aspirin.