aside ne demek?
- Un, et ve bamya ile yapılan bir Arap yemeği.
- Bulamaç adı verilen yemek.
Something spoken aside; as, a remark made by a stageplayer which the other players are not supposed to hear.
Line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage in reserve; not for immediate use; 'started setting aside money to buy a car'; 'put something by for her old age'; 'has a nestegg tucked away for a rainy day' on or to one side; 'step aside'; 'stood aside to let him pass'; 'threw the book aside'; 'put her sewing aside when he entered' out of the way ; 'brush the objections aside'; 'pushed all doubts away' placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; 'had a feeling of being set apart'; 'quality sets it apart'; 'a day set aside for relaxing'.
Line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage.
Message that departs from the main subject.
On or to one side; 'step aside'; 'stood aside to let him pass'; 'threw the book aside'; 'put her sewing aside when he entered'.
Out of the way ; 'brush the objections aside'; 'pushed all doubts away'.
Not taken into account or excluded from consideration; 'these problems apart, the country is doing well'; 'all joking aside, I think you're crazy'.
In a different direction; 'turn aside'; 'turn away one's face'; 'glanced away'.
Placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; 'had a feeling of being set apart'; 'quality sets it apart'; 'a day set aside for relaxing'.
In reserve; not for immediate use; 'started setting aside money to buy a car'; 'put something by for her old age'; 'has a nestegg tucked away for a rainy day'.
On, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance from the rest; out of the way; apart.
Out of one's thoughts; off; away; as, to put aside gloomy thoughts.
So as to be heard by others; privately.
In drama, a speech directed to the audience that supposedly is not audible to the other characters onstage at the time When Hamlet first appears onstage, for example, his aside 'A little more than kin, and less than kind!' gives the audience a strong sense of his alienation from King Claudius See also soliloquy.
In drama, a few words or a short passage spoken by one character to the audience It is a theatrical convention that the aside is not audible to other characters on stage Compare with soliloquy, below.
Short speech made to the audience not heard by other characters.
When the character breaks away from the situation to talk to the audience without being heard by the other characters.
- Bir yana, bir tarafa, bir kenara, ayrı, kendi kendine
- Bir oyuncunun sahnede kendi kendine söyledii sözler.
- Kendi kendine söylenen sözler [tiy.]
aside dayanıklı
- Aside dirençli.
Acid proof, acid resistant.
aside dayanıklı çelik
Acidproof steel