arpa ne demek?
- Buğdaygillerden bir bitki (Hordeum vulgare).
- Bu bitkinin ekmek ve bira yapımında kullanılan, hayvanlara yem olarak verilen taneleri.
- Buğdaygiller (Gramineae, Poaceae) familyasından, tohumları ve otsu kısımları hayvan yemi olarak kullanılan, ülkemizde geniş bir alanda kültürü yapılan, bir yıllık otsu bitki.
- Buğdaygiller familyasından, tohumları ve otsu kısımları hayvan yemi olarak kullanılan, enerji içeriği yüksek, yapısında bulunan beta glukanlar nedeniyle kanatlı rasyonlarında sınırlı kullanılan ülkemizde geniş bir alanda kültürü yapılan bir yıllık otsu bitki.
Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Advanced Research Projects Agency The agency which initially sponsored the development of the ARPAnet, the forerunner of the Internet.
Advanced Research Projects Agency, part of DOD.
See: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Now called DARPA, the U S government agency that funded the ARPANET.
Advanced Research Projects Agency The US governmental agency responsible for creating the ARPANET, the ancestor of the Internet Now known as Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions and dual-use application.
Advanced Research Project Agency of the Department of Defense.
Advanced Research Projects Agency Research and development organization that is part of Department of Defense ARPA is responsible for numerous technological advances in communications and networking ARPA evolved into DARPA, and then back into ARPA again See also DARPA.
Advanced Research Project Agency USA's defense department agency.
Advanced Research Project Agency.
US Advanced Research Projects Agency This agency developed the first system of networked computers in the United States.
The Advanced Research Projects Agency , founded in 1957 by President Eisenhower and controlled by the U S Department of Defense, was part of the U S reaction to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik.
Abbreviation for Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Advanced Research Projects Agency An agency of the U S Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military ARPA was responsible for funding much of the development of the Internet we know today, including the Berkeley version of Unix and TCP/IP.
Common barley.
Advance Research Projects Agency.
Advanced Research Projects Agency The governmental organization responsible for creating the beginnings of the Internet.
Sponsored a wide area network called ARPANET Today ARPA is called DARPA and the network is called The Internet.
Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U S Department of Defense ARPA funded research and experimentation with ARPANET, the predecessor to the Internet See also TCP/IP.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD, and pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions and dual-use applications.
This is the U S Advanced Research Projects Agency.
US governmental organization responsible for creating an experimental network which heralded the beginning of the Internet Now known as Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Orge commune
Hordeum vulgare
arpa açık rastığı
- Arpalarda, taneleri karartarak, biçim bozulmasına, sonra dökülmelere yol açan ve başak eksenini çırılçıplak bırakan ilkel mantar.
Loose smut of barley.
Ustilago nuda
arpa akarı
- Arpa böceği.
Barley bug.