ariki yontusu ne demek?
- Paskalya adasında bulunan, boyları yediyle yirmi metre arasında değişen, koyu gri renkteki volkanik taşlardan yontulma, ciddî ve karanlık yüzlü anıtsal baş yontusu.
- Çabuk davranan, çevik.
- Asil haseb ve neseb ehli olan.
- Arınmış, soyutlanmış.
- İran'dan geçerek Kuzey Hindistan'a yerleşen halk veya bu halktan olan kimse.
- Bu halkla ilgili, bu halka özgü.
- Özgür, hür
- Çıplak.
- Çıplak, yoksun.
- Özgür.
- Boş.
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute is a non-profit, voluntary organization comprised of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers ARI publishes standards for testing and rating heat pumps and air conditioners to provide you with a standardized measure of comparison So, ARI ensures a level of quality within the industry.
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute is a nonprofit, voluntary organization comprised of heating,air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers ARI publishes standards for testing and rating heat pumps and air conditioners to provide you with a standardized measure of comparison So, ARI ensures a level of performance within the industry.
- Heykel.
Statute heykel.