architectural protection ne demek?
- Yapısal koruma
- Yapı ile, yapılış ile, kuruluş ile ilgili, strüktürel.
- Constitutional.
- Constructional.
- Constructive.
- Organic.
- Structural.
- Tectonic.
- Textural.
- Anatomical.
- Structured.
- Mimari, mimarlıkla ilgili
architectural engineering
- Mimari mühendislik
- Koruma, muhafaza, himaye
- Sığınacak yer, korunacak yer, barınak
- Serbest seyahat vesikası
- Korunma, kayırma
- Haraç, önlem, tedbir
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
architecturalarchitectural engineeringarchitectural planarchitecturearchitecturesarchitectarchitectonicarchitectonicsprotectionprotection against unfair competitionprotection capprotection durationprotection duration of workprotection dutyprotection effects of tariffsprotection functionprotection moneyprotection of industrial propertyprotectingprotecting glassprotecting groupprotecting liquidprotectprotect a billprotect toprotectedprotected emplacement