approximation theory ne demek?
- Yaklaşıklama kuramı
approximation theorem
- Yaklaşma teoremi
approximation error
- Yaklaştırım yanılgısı
- Teori
- Kuram
- Nazariye
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
approximation theoremapproximation errorapproximation problemapproximation propertyapproximationapproximateapproximate continuityapproximate costapproximate differentiabilityapproximate limitapproximanttheorytheory basedtheory extensiontheory kuramtheory oftheory of absolute advantagestheory of actiontheory of cellular patologytheory of comparative advantagestheory of continental drifttheorbotheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosine