alter ego ne demek?
- Öteki ben
- Bir kimsenin ikinci şahsiyeti
- Çok yakın dost
- İkinci kişilik
- Yardımcı benlik
- Bilinenden, sözü edilenden ayrı, öbür, diğer
- Sözü edilen veya benzer iki nesneden önem ve konum bakımından uzakta olan.
- Bk. diğer
- Other.
- The other.
- The further.
- The farther.
- That.
- Remaining.
- Second.
alter course
- Rota değiştirmek
alter to
- değiştirmek,değişmek
- Ben, benlik. Ben merkezli düşünce sistemi. Latince'den gelmekte ve "ben" anlamına gelmektedir.
- Lat. Ben. Ene.
- The conscious and permanent subject of all psychical experiences, whether held to be directly known or the product of reflective thought; opposed to non-ego.
- The conscious mind an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.
- An inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.
- Your consciousness of your own identity.
- The conscious mind.
- The conscious self; the 'I'; the central, experience-filtering complex of consciousness --and the most stable complex because it's grounded in the body sensations A relatively permanent personification The most individual part of the person The ego divides into the ectopsyche and the endopsyche It's an object in consciousness as well as a requirement for it Its two main constituents are bodily sensations and memory.
- The belief in the reality of the separated or false self, made as substitute for the Self Which God created; the thought of separation that gives rise to sin, guilt, fear, and a thought system based on specialness to protect itself; the part of the mind that believes it is separate from the Mind of Christ; this split mind has two parts: wrong- and right-mindedness; almost always used to denote ' wrong-mindedness,' but can include the part of the split mind that can learn to choose right-mindedness.
- Exhaust Gas Oxygen; the concentration of oxygen in the exhaust of an engine An EGO sensor is used in closed-loop fuel control systems to indicate rich or lean A/F.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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