alphanumeric code ne demek?
- Alfasayısal kod
Alphanumeric, constituting a character in an alphanumeric system, consisting of letters and numbers.
alphanumeric coded
- Alfasayısal kodlanmış
alphanumeric character
- Alfasayısal karakter
- Numaralamak
- Kodlamak
- Kanun, kanunname
- Şifrelemek
- Kanun haline getirmek
- Şifre ile yazmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
alphanumeric codedalphanumeric characteralphanumeric cursoralphanumeric dataalphanumeric sortalphanumericalphanumeric sortingalphanumericalalphanumerical indexingalphanumericscodecode areacode buildercode checkingcode colorscode conversioncode convertercode dependent systemcode directing charactercode division multiple accesscodcod chemical oxygen demandcod codcod liver oilcod oil