ak ne demek?
- Kar, süt vb.nin rengi, beyaz, kara ve siyah karşıtı.
- Bu renkte olan
Ablak yüzlü, kısa kesilmiş ak sakallı bir adamdı.
M. Ş. Esendal - Beyaz leke.
Bir gözünde akı var.
- Temiz.
- Dürüst.
- Sıkıntısız, rahat.
Ak günler göresin.
- Duru, lekesiz, beyaz (ten için)
Benim yârim gelişinden bellidir / Ak elleri deste deste güllüdür.
Karacaoğlan - Alnı açık, namuslu, asil
Soyca böyle hep akız.
Z. Gökalp - Bazı şeylerde beyaz bölüm.
Abbreviation for Astigmatic Keratotomy.
Astigmatic Keratotomy.
Astigmatic Keratotomy - Modified form of Radial Keratotomy.
Avtomat Klashnikova, or Automatic Kalashnikov The most widely used automatic rifle line in the world, Russian-designed; there are several Airsoft variants.
Animal Kingdom.
Above knee Also referred to as transfemoral.
White beyaz.
White colour.
White of the eye / egg / spot.
Acronym for Astigmatic Keratotomy A surgical procedure used to correct moderate cases of astigmatism Often performed at the same time as the Radial Keratotomy procedure for correcting nearsightedness The procedures are somewhat similar, differing primarily in the pattern of incisions made in the outer periphery of the cornea in order to change its shape to the curvature needed to correct the refractive problem Both AK and RK have been largely replaced by newer refractive surgery procedures See Refractive Surgery in Eye Care Encyclopedia.
Actinic keratosis AT applanation tension.
State in northwestern North America; the 49th state admitted to the union; 'Alaska is the largest state in the United States'.
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