abartmamak ne demek?

  1. (en)Form of abartmak) exaggerate, embellish, aggrandize, carry to excess, carry things too far, enhance, heighten, balloon, overdo, embroider, color, colour [Brit.], dramatize, glorify, fudge, lay it on, magnify, overstate, pile it on, put it on, put it on thick.


  1. Abartmak işi.
  2. (en)Exaggeration.
  3. (en)Turgescence.
  4. (en)Hyperbole.
  5. (en)Embellishment.
  6. (en)Aggrandizement.
  7. (en)Overcharge.
  8. (en)Exaggeration mübalağa.
  9. (en)Overstatement.
  10. (en)Amplification.


  1. Abartıcı.
  2. (en)Habitually exaggerating; exaggerator, one who exaggerates.

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