MMD ne demek?

  1. (en)Minimal mortel doz


  1. Minimum.
  2. En az
  3. (en)In a partially ordered set, a minimal element is one that does not follow another in the ordering This is not to be confused with minimum.
  4. (en)Irreducibly , minimally , picayune.
  5. (en)Of, pertaining to, or having a character of, a minim or minimum; least; smallest; as, a minimal amount or value.
  6. (en)The least possible; 'needed to enforce minimal standards'; 'her grades were minimal'; 'minimum wage'; 'a minimal charge for the service'.
  7. (en)Widely used word in mathematics that generally means atomic or unsimplifiable For example, prime numbers are minimal with respect to factorization of whole numbers.
  8. En az, en aşağı, asgari minimal art biçim ve renk gibi unsurları en basit veya temel öğelerine indirgeyen bir sanat şekli.
  9. En az, asgari, en düşük



  1. (en)Millimeter.
  2. İngiliz alfabesinin on üçüncü harfi
  3. Millimeter.
  4. Meter

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