ıt is ordinarily monolithic ne demek?
- Obelisk
- Dikili taş.
See Dagger,,.
To mark or designate with an obelisk.
Stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal top.
Character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote.
Tapering, four-sided pillar of stone which was usually inscribed with hieroglyphs to honour a pharaoh Most were made of granite The biggest Egyptian obelisk now stands in Rome and is nearly 31 metres tall The biggest still in Egypt is 29 5 metres high and is estimated to weigh over 300 tonnes.
An upright, four-sided, tapered pillar that terminates in a pyramid; it may be inscribed or plain, and it is often placed prominently in the center of a pool, at the crown of a hill, or at the end of a terrace walk.
Though the name is derived from the Greek obeliskos, meaning 'a small spit',.
Tall, tapered, four-sided monolith with a pyramid-shaped peak, associated with the power of the sun god; most were carved from pink granite quarried in Aswan and were either capped or clad entirely in electrum to reflect the rays of the sun.
An upright, four- sided pillar, gradually tapering as it rises, and terminating in a pyramid called pyramidion.
ıt frequents rivers
- Terek
- İyi etmek.
- Dumanın değdiği yerde bıraktığı kara leke
- Yakıtın tam yanmamasından oluşan, dumanla yükselen kömürleşmiş tanecikler.
- Sürme (II).
- Yanma odalarında ya da ateşliklerin üstünde, yakıtın yanması sonucu biriken kurum.
- Bkz. sürme
Stands for Information System.
- Genelde
- Normalde
- Genellikle
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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