ınternal revenue service ne demek?
- Irs
- Kalıtım.
- Karı ile kocadan her biri. (Bak: Irs)
Internal Revenue Service.
Internal Revenue Service - IRS home page.
The Internal Revenue Service is the federal agency responsible for enforcing US tax laws and collecting taxes.
The Internal Revenue Service.
Internal Responsibility System.
The Internal Revenue Service, a division of the U S Treasury Dept that is responsible for the assessment and collection of most federal taxes, except those relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives Established in 1862, the IRS derives most of its revenues from the collection of corporate and individual income tax.
Inertial Reference System.
Interface Requirement Specification.
ınternal criticism
- Iç eleştiri
ınternal responsibility system
- Irs
- İrat, varidat
- Maliye, hazine
- Gelir
- Bir hükümetin yıllık geliri
- Varidat dairesi
- Devlet geliri
- Hizmet vermek, yardım etmek
- Hizmet, görev, servis.
- Tamir etmek
- Bakımını sağlamak, onarmak
- Teçhizatını tamamlamak
- Yardım etmek
- (erkek hayvan) çiftleşmek.
- İş, müşteriye bakmak
- Merasim, tören, ayin, ibadet
- Askerlik
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
ınternal criticismınternal responsibility systemınternatıonal teaching alphabetınternational amateur athletic federationınternational bee research associationınteramerican development bankıntercity transportıntercontinental ballistic missile askıntercullular spaceınterest rebate fundınte gaf referenceıntegralıntegrated logic analysisıntegrated reception systemıntegrated support environmentrevenuerevenue authoritiesrevenue boardrevenue officerevenue officerrevenue passenger milerevenue sharing certificatesrevenue stamprevenue tariffrevenue taxrevenu expenditurerevenantrevenderevendeganrevendükrevenge